We offer various Internet advertising options that yield tangible results at cost effective prices. Advertise your music on any of the music streaming platforms (Spotify, iTunes/Apple Music, Soundcloud…), your Facebook Artist page, Youtube video or shows utilizing display ads that run all over the web. Employing collected data to create algorithms based on demographics, music interests, and other online behaviors, help us target potential viewers for your work. We will provide bi-weekly reports. Check out some examples of our ads in the gallery below and visit our services page for more information on all the services we provide.

Afro Soundz – Display Ad
A display ad running all over the web, on mobile devices, to attract more listeners to the online radio station.

Punchline Trail – Display Ad
A display ad running all over the web on mobile devices to attract more viewers to the artist’s youtube music video.

Afro Soundz – Facebook Ad
An ad running as a post on Facebook to attract more followers to the stations’ Facebook page.

H.E.Miller – Facebook Ad
An ad running as a post on Facebook to attract more followers to the artist’s Facebook page.

Wake Up! Music – Facebook Ad
An ad running as a post on Facebook to attract more followers to the record label’s Facebook page.

Gingermon – Facebook Ad
An ad running as a post on Facebook to attract more followers to the artist’s Facebook page.

DJ Aladin – Display Ad
A display ad running all over the web to attract more listeners to the artist’s music on Spotify.